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Tammy Jones Supervisor of Elections Levy County Tammy Jones Supervisor of Elections Levy County Tammy Jones Supervisor of Elections Levy County
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Information on Vote in Honor of a Vet

 This a picture of the Vote in Honor of a Vet Logo

So often we take our freedom for granted.  Without the sacrifices our veterans have made we would not live in a country that allows us to express our thoughts and ideas.  As citizens of the United States we should take our responsibilities seriously, especially our right to vote.  The Levy County Supervisor of Elections Office is pleased to provide our voters with the Vote in Honor of a Vet program.  We hope that this program will encourage voter participation among the young and old.  Our office also believes in the importance of educating our county's youth on the sacrifices past and present veterans have made so that we can continue to live in a democratic society.  Each time you cast a vote, you show our country's veterans the respect they deserve for defending your freedom.  This program will allow each of us to honor someone who served.  We urge all of our voters to Vote in Honor of a Vet the next time you go to the polls.

Without the help of the citizens in Levy County this program will not be possible.  In order for us to make the Vote in Honor of Vet program a success we would ask that you submit a photograph and also complete the below Biography Form.  We would ask that the form be submitted by a veteran, family member of a veteran, or by family members of deceased veterans or missing in action veterans.  The Supervisor of Elections Office will scan the veterans photograph onto our computer.  We would ask that you hand deliver or email the form and photograph to

A designated section at the Levy County Courthouse will be used to display each veteran’s photograph that is submitted to our office.  A book of biographies will also be on display by the Veterans Wall and at the Supervisor of Elections Office.  Not only do we plan to display each photo on a Veterans Wall but we’d like to honor a Veteran on a weekly basis on our Facebook page.  With permission, we plan to feature veterans and members of the United States Armed Forces.  Become a fan of our page and you’ll be able to see posts regarding the Vote in Honor of a Vet program.

Vote in Honor of a Vet Biography Form Vote in Honor of a Vet Biography Form PDF Document Vote in Honor of a Vet Biography Form Word Document

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Tammy Jones | Supervisor of Elections | Levy County
421 S. Court Street, Bronson, FL 32621

(P) (352) 486-5163 | (F) (352) 486-5146 | (Hours) M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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