Do I get Paid for being a Poll Worker?
Yes, poll workers are paid a combined payment for attending mandatory training and working on Election Day. Applicants are NOT paid to attend poll worker orientation.
Who Attends Orientation?
Anyone interested in being a poll worker should complete our Poll Worker Application and return it to our office. Once we have received your request, we will mail you an invitation to attend poll worker orientation. At the orientation, you will receive an overview of poll worker duties and responsibilities, and complete an assessment test.
What Type of Training is Required?
All poll workers are required to attend a training class before each election. The classes usually begin 6 weeks prior to Election Day. Class typically last about 4 hours. Poll workers MUST complete a refresher training class prior to each subsequent election in the election year. Workers who have not been trained prior to an election are ineligible to participate.
Can Family Members Work in the Same Precinct?
Family members may work in the same precinct if they are assigned different positions, such as Clerk and Deputy, Assistant Clerk and Equipment Operator, etc. Two people from the same family may not work as Clerk and Assistant Clerk.
Where will I Work on Election Day?
If possible, we schedule poll workers to work in their home precincts. If all the positions in your home precinct are full, you will be asked to work in another nearby precinct or placed on a standby status until a position becomes available.
What are the Hours I will be Working?
The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All poll workers must be at their assigned precinct by 6 a.m. on Election Day. The day ends when all voters have been processed and have voted, and all materials have been packed away. Workers are not permitted to leave their assigned precinct on Election Day. A typical day is approximately 14 to 16 hours.